Sonntag 29.4.2012; RED FANG, BLACK TUSK, PLANET OF ZEUS, SATIVA ROOT@Rockhouse-Bar Salzburg


BAD REVERB, The On/Off Mode 7", PLAGUE MASS, Living Among Meat Eaters 12", HEARTBREAK KID Power To The Kids 7", KAISHAKUNIN Vernunft begabter Mensch CD, WE HAD A DEAL The World Owes You Nothing CD, REVVRITTEN Wanderlust 7", DAMAGES Scars 7", LIGHTHOUSE Abyssus Abyssum Invocat 12", MAN THE CHANGE Forgiver CD sold out, REVVRITTEN Elise CD ALLOCATION Corvus Corax, Corvus Corone 10" CD MAN THE CHANGE Forgiver 12"



Montag, 30. November 2009

a new darkness

lighthouse LP is being pressed...more soon

Montag, 16. November 2009

it's better to burn out

than to fade away. just watched the refused movie again. such a good band. serious as hell.
by the way the cooking receipe of the week.

Eine halbe Tasse Staubzucker
Ein Viertel Teeloffel Salz
Eine Messerspitze turkisches Haschisch
Ein halbes Pfund Butter
Ein Teeloffel Vanillenzucker
Ein halbes Pfund Mehl
Einhundertfunfzig Gramm gemahlene Nusse
Ein wenig extra Staubzucker
... und keine Eier

In eine Schussel geben
Butter einruhren
Gemahlene Nusse zugeben und
Den Teig verkneten

Augenballgroße Stucke vom Teig formen
Im Staubzucker walzen und
Sagt die Zauberworter
Simsalbimbamba Saladu Saladim

Auf ein gefettetes Backblech legen und
Bei zweihundert Grad fur funfzehn Minuten backen und

Bei zweihundert Grad fur funfzehn Minuten backen und
Keine Eier ..

Montag, 19. Oktober 2009

everyday is exactly the same

trent is right in every way, like always. however there are several news this days. first of all thank you for coming to the Gravemaker/This Is Hell Show, the first winter show of this year.
so what's up next? we are starting the pre-order for the DAMAGES 7" called "SCARS" later this day. make sure to check this band out at: some great depressing melodies are waiting there for you which fit perfectly to the cloudy weather outside. in order to preorder this 7" simply go to our shop section or to the front page. next projects will be the Lighhouse 12" alias the symphony of destruction and the upcoming Man The Change Album, we are not sure if that is coming out on Vinyl as well, but we'll see. a new homepage is more or less in the works, and the silk-screening thing in still in mind. some distro stuff arrived today (incl. e.g. Justice, Just Went Black and Seed of Pain). and last but not least the next shows you should not miss:

Beerli B-Day/Halloween Show in Rosenheim
Rise&Fall, Iron Age/17.11. in Berchtesgaden
Slayer in Munich.

up the horns

Freitag, 25. September 2009

best news for this autumn

Hope Conspiracy are coming to Europe for a couple of show. So stoked about that. Futhermore mighty Slayer and Morrissey are also coming over. Concerning the Label, some new Artworks for the Man The Change record and the Damages are being in the works. Comadre guy will do the Artwork for Man The Change, Thomas from Glw/Drk is creating something for Damages and Damages will come to Europe this spring along with Keep It Clear. We Had a Deal are doing a short tour with An Early Cascade check the dates on their myspace page, Lighthouse were supposed to tour with Break Even, unfortunately the tour got cancelled even before the first shows have been confirmed. They are planning to do a short minitour in the beginning of November, hit them up with a message ( if you want them to play at your house
What else is important? The nerdy Imperator of Bavaria is planning to do some silkscreen shit in the future, we will do some "different" shows (we realized there's also some music apart from hardcore), Berni from Vienna designed some Shirt and Patches stuff. New Baroness record really kicks ass. Man The Change record also. Rewritten will be going to the studio in january. See you all at the This Is Hell and Gravemaker Show on 14th of October in the Kuckucksnest in Berchtesgaden.

Dienstag, 15. September 2009

#1 28|08|09 Everynow and then, and I guess it's simply human,you are fed up with everything, fed up with music, fed up with jobs, fed up with people, but then there moments when everything simply makes sense again. let me use that week to explain why it's still great to be some kind of involved in parts of "the" hardcore scene. The week started with some worrying about wednesdays's show, due to our unableness to organize everything, everytime, but not last minute. A visit in Salzburg's youth center, MARK, who provided one again the sleeping places for the bands, made the day a little bit brighter. Tuesday was filled up with work, and organizing the PA for wednesday's show. Thanks to Ozzy and Mike J. for everything. Wednesday started as awful as a day can start, working, stress and a car accident, we arrived too late at the location, but from that moment on everything went better. Lewd Acts and Gold Kids being supernice, Wasted Words being super thankful and motivated. Sound didn't sound that bad as expected, first people showing up. Wasted Words playing really good set. It's great to see, not only considering this band, if there are young people forming bands, doing their own thing, going to shows etc. Gold Kids from Sardinia played next. Their sheer desperation and darkness are characteristics I always love in bands. Apart from that Andre and his label are definetly backed hard and meeting Dani from Lighthouse, who is also playing guitar in Gold Kids was nice. New Lighthouse record will be amazing. Lewd Acts started with pure madness, with a moshing. champaign drinking bass player and a shouter for whom I fail to find a proper description. Lewd Acts were simply intense. The Effort were headlining and I never expected that people were so much into this Band. Music and message fitted perfectly together and the band managed to create a positive atmosphere I have never seen before during a show in Salzburg. just a lot of people moving and stage diving, simply good clean fun.
Next day
Man The Change sent the unmastered version of their Album "Forgiver" and they managed to create this 90ies Hardcore feeling, you and us were looing for, really well. Maybe due to their age. We are strongly looking forward to mastered version. Comadre guy will do the artwork for the record. Shortly after that Rise&Fall's new song had been discovered, and Plague Mass put up two songs as well. Check it out, needless to say it will be worth your time.
So I guess this week was some kind of example for all the things that make hardcore|punk|metal still important for me, you are meeting new, mostly nice, people, you are listening to awesome music, having good talks, you are creating something, you are communicating values. I think it's our job to preserve some space in our lives where there's simply
no space for racism, homophobia, hate and greed, keep in mind that the space is rare so we gotta be careful not to waste it. thanks for letting me wasting your time. [S]